Waking Remembering Blog

Christmas Eve 0

Christmas Eve

All day I have been in a dull sadness at the death of an old friend, yet every time I think of him all I can see is his smile. A life well-lived yet...

O Oriens 0

O Oriens

  It is not the end of the world, but nascent light for the new year. I think of Newgrange in Ireland – that wonderful 5,000 year old monument that celebrates the birth of...

Lighting Candles This Night 0

Lighting Candles This Night

Today in this dreary day filled with so much sadness at what has happened to innocent children I have spent the day writing some of the final chapters to the next book in the...

Dave Brubeck’s voice 0

Dave Brubeck’s voice

Today would have been his 92nd birthday if he hadn’t left us yesterday. But he left us with a lot. His music plays in my memory today and also in my memory is a...


                     This is the “blow-hole” mentioned in the book on the coast of Ireland. The incoming tide through the hole in the rocks focuses the...