Waking Remembering Blog
Storytelling with The Wise Guys at Cafe’ Eclectic
This was an interesting experiment – telling stories from Waking Remembering for a group of improvisational Comedians to explore. Things keep spreading wider.
Orion’s belt and center nebulae
A long exposure through a telescope reveal amazing subtle beauty within Orion – the three stars within the center of the constellation form a great ellipsis in the sky. The center star is 1300...
telling a book by its cover
book A tidepool of stones, waves, moon, and loving couple. And if you look into the waves you seeing them looking back at you.
a closer look
At our local star. Close enough for us to see the detail of the activity on the surface. Imagine this detail on every star of the billions of points of light in our night...
Stars and us
This is the best short explanation I have ever seen. This explains some of the sections in my book. http://www.phdcomics.com/tv/#020