stones by PJ · Published January 19, 2013 · Updated January 19, 2013 It was hard to miss the importance of stones in Ireland. They are everywhere you look except up [ discounting hail and meteorites or inside newgrange and such places. ] The houses are stone, the fences, the beaches, the mountain, the dolmans, the paths .... They are everywhere and are the building material of our world - we just see them more here close to the surface that has been recently scoured and ground by glaciers. Ireland must have been a rich world of raw materials in the paleolithic and neolithic. Stones are an important part of Waking Remembering in symbol and in fact. Anyone who has spoent time in Ireland will understand. I picked this stone out of the waves on the beach in Ireland 23 years ago. It is an important part of the trilogy. It has a history.